The R.M. of Happyland Public Works Staff normally consists of six employees from May to October and one/two employees for the remaining winter months. Weather conditions significantly influence staff numbers during the winter months.
The Public Works Department operates from the R.M. shop located just north of Leader on Highway 21.
The Municipality owns and manages a fleet of approximately 20 pieces of equipment including graders, gravel trucks, trailers, light duty trucks and other equipment.
R.M. maps are available at the R.M. office for $10.00/map. Grid Road maps are also available.
The municipality owns 3 graders. Grading of roads is done on a regular rotation basis with grid roads and high traffic roads receiving first priority. Grader work is coordinated by the Foreman and the Council. The ratepayer’s first line of contact is with the foreman and their division Councillor.
Gravelling priorities are set by the Foreman and the Councillor for each division and becomes part of the public works program that is approved by council.
Tree Planting:
Trees and shrubs must be planted 150 feet from the centre line of the road or 300 feet from the intersection of two roads.
Custom Work
Custom work services offered to residents of the municipality include driveway grading, snow removal, mowing. Custom work is normally done while the equipment is in the area and is completed as time permits.
- Motor Grader, with or without attachments -$165.00/hr
- Tractor & Mower – $130.00/hr
- 627B Cat Scraper – $220.00/hr
- 950H Loader – $165.00/hr
- Backhoe – $137.50/hr
Moving to and from the job site will be charged at the above rates. A minimum ½ hour charge applies to any custom work performed.
Fencing Policy – $1,200/mile removal, $3,000/mile reset (3 wire fence)
Anything other than a 3 wire fence must be approved on a request basis
Non-Ratepayers & Gas Companies
- Motor Grader – $220.00/hr
- TS 14 Scraper – $357.50/hr
- Cat Loader – $275.00/hr
- Cat Trackhoe – $330.00/hr
- Backhoe – $220.00/hr